In Perfect Draw! players use cards to play out games against foes in high stakes battle. This tool is designed to make that process even easier, by giving you a tool to both make cards and create print ready PDFs.  You can check out Perfect Draw here!

How to Use This App:

  • Run the tool above. 
  • For each card you want to make (to a maximum of 8), input all the features under the "Create a Card:" section - then click the "Create" button.
    • You can delete and save pngs of your cards by clicking the arrows below the cards you've created.
  • Once you've made your cards, click the "Data" tab at the top of the page. Once you've confirmed these are how you want the cards to look click "Export to PDF" at the bottom of the page.  This will create a print ready file for each of your cards!
    • You can also save and import your data in this tab by clicking "Save Data" or "Import Data". 

Tool created by Gregory Johnson (or Gregular online).

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorDouble Summon Games
GenreCard Game
TagsCreative, Print & Play, Tabletop, tcg, Tabletop role-playing game


Perfect Draw! Card Creation Tool - Source Code - 3.5 MB


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Thank you very much for this tool, and I'm really enjoying using it to create a custom deck. As it stands this tool is enough really, but like others, I'd like to make a few suggestions/requests:

  • I assume the 8 card limit is because it makes 1 print page, but could we get a "counter" mode that prints different cards front and back (or at least some way to generate new counter sheets like what we see in the prototype)
  • Graphically distinct Staple and Class Staple cards, maybe with the back being the same as the front but with a large X or "Used" text overlaid on it.
  • Different card dimensions. I believe the card generator is designed to generate Yu-Gi-Oh style cards (2.25"x3.25") but it would be nice to have the option to generate regular poker sized cards (2.5"x3.5") which are the same size as Pokemon and MtG cards (easier to find card sleeves/use ones we already have).
  • Custom backs
  • Code upload to GitHub so new features could be added by the community

As it is this tool is really great, these changes are just some smaller nice to haves.

These are some absolutely fantastic ideas. Sorely we don't have the budget to make all these changes ourself - but I love your suggestion for opening up the source code to fans!

You should see a download on the page now!

Thank you for the code, but would it be possible to get a copy of it before it was bundled up? This has gone through a program called Webpack which squishes all of the files and libraries into fewer files to make downloading faster (you can tell by looking at the opening of static/js/213.328ba4ce.chunk.js). While it's possible to unbundle using the map files there's still a loss of some metadata like the file structure so it's not perfect.

Either way thank you for this and I've at least already started looking into how it works to see if I can add anything.

It's what we were given so im unsure. But I'll try and track it down sometime. 

(1 edit)

great creation tool, would be nice being able to import my own card backgrounds instead of the white one tho

It'd be great if you could either add the ability to set your staples or remove the 8 card restriction. I prefer to have representations of them in my hand and it'd be nice if I could have everything saved in one deck.

The tool's 8 card restriction seems unnecessary when the rulebook and GM are already establishing the restriction in-game. Removing it would also better accommodate houserule games.

We chose not to include staples to ensure we don't confuse new players. It's easy for people to get confused about staples going in the deck by default. 

The 8 card restriction was sorely a technical one. For now we recommend saving a batch of cards and starting a new one if your making more then 8.

Will there be a downloadable version of this at some point?

Im not quite sure how possible that is, but I'll look into it.